Fast Forward Business Card Premium Template
graphicriverYou receive a CMYK -Offset-Print-Ready-BusinessCard containing the following items: Business Card 3.5×2” (Front & Back) - Preview - Info-File. All items are available as ADOBE Illustrator CS3 , Indesign CS4 Files and Photoshop Shape-Layer. To change the color just adjust the color-swatches in Indesign or Illustrator or in case of the psd-file change the color in the fx-layer “color-overlay” of the corresponding Layer. All items were created with an Apple Macintosh System. All items have well documented Layers and – if necessary – additional Layers for bleed & cut. Please adapt or remove these after consultation with your local printshop. The Font “Myriad Pro” is not included. You can either purchase it as part of the Adobe Fontfolio 11 or as single font-family at your Fontshop (i.e. or replace it by a font of your choice.